Kremcon helps you create plans and structures that bridge gaps and reflect your desired outcome. Our services in this area include:

Review and assessing 

  • organizational design, job descriptions, and balance of authority and responsibility 
  • employee satisfaction (via qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys) 
  • team member skills and attributes 
  • incentive programs and productivity support structures
  • internal communication and meeting effectiveness
  • management strengths and weaknesses
Providing cogent advice on how to 
  • improve your goal setting, planning, leading, staffing and controlling 
  • improve team member execution behaviors, internal communication and meeting efficiency
  • improve delegation and level appropriate decision making
  • deploy management by objectives and management by exception methodologies
  • bridge cultural and structural human resource gaps and promote internationalization and global best practices
  • align incentive/compensation programs with desired corporate culture and strategic goals
  • enhance transparency
  • strategy sessions and other key meetings, including arrangements of off-site events and management retreats with additional team building and social elements
  • arrangement of specialized management and team member training 
  • Interim management

Contact us today to discuss your needs. We’re happy to work under a nondisclosure agreement. 

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